1 to 1 Tutoring
Have your child work 1 to 1 with Miss Amy with Virtual 30 minute Tutoring Sessions. This is individualized specifically to your child's learning needs. Miss Amy utilizes proven techniques and her numerous years of in-person and online teaching and tutoring to develop sessions for your child.
Sign up for the first session and assessment of your child's needs.
Experience includes neurodivergent, ESL, and biblically integrated curriculum.
*Weekly or Twice weekly options available and to be discussed after the initial session and assessment.
Does your child need more time each week? Message us at [email protected] to discuss what options may be available for your child.
**Discounts available with subscriptions to monthly tutoring packages.
All physical items will be shipped within 3 business days, excluded holidays and weekends. All digital products will be available at time of purchase.
Zoo Kids Reading does not provide returns or refunds for any digital products, tutoring, or classes.